Cource Details

Training ... for a Better Future

فنون التعامل والاتصال

Communication is the foundation and mainstay of our daily life; We exchange huge quantities and types of data and information, from asking about conditions to exchanging feelings and transferring ideas, reviewing news and transmitting views, in a way that we can consider a person as a mobile information center with other centers to which he sends and receives. Communications are the bridge that connects people to others. A person’s success in life depends on his ability to communicate effectively, as studies have shown that 85% of success is attributed to communication skills, and only 15% of it is attributed to mastering work skills. The chief of effective communication, which is gaining credibility and trust with others, as the listener will never communicate with the speaker if he does not trust him, and believes that his words have credibility, and the person will not be successful in his speech until he can constantly build trust and credibility with what he says. Accordingly, the administrative leader or employee - by virtue of his position - must be an effective communicator.

    This training package aims to train and qualify all target groups, since what this training package includes are basic skills.

    Where this training bag works to provide a comprehensive knowledge of the scope of the training bag, and this bag is not limited to this presentation, but goes beyond it to practical experiences based on actual practices from our training, administrative and advisory experiences that we transfer to the participants in the training program.

  • Date:2021-11-17
  • Duration:5 أيام - 20 ساعة
  • Price:450

لسداد المبلغ المالي :

  • اسم البنك مصرف الراجحي
  • رقم الحساب 203608016028743
  • رقم الأيبان SA0580000203608016028743

يرجي ارفاق البيانات الخاصة بكم فى النموذج التالى :

الموافقة على الشروط والأحكام (أضغط هنا)